Welcome to my carrd :P

Im an artist in various ways, digital, traditional, i do crafts sometimes too.
Im also a furry as you can see in the image above -.-
also im neurodivergent, i've got lots of it :T very silly, very yippee

My name is Randy, ran for short (woahh so original) but you can also call me Enn :3Im nonbinary (any pronouns, neos too) and gay as hell (also probably asexual or somewhere on that spectrum)

Likes / Interests
MLP <3
Stardew valley
The Hamilton musical ;-;
Content creators i watch:
Ranboo, Kwite, Tubbo, Aimsey
sometimes Piso4, Foolish, FitMC

DNI (why r u even here)
racists, nazis/zionists

(you get it, the obviously bad people)
(idc if you dont support her, if you watch her shows get tf away)__
harry potter fans, get out
kpop stans (fans are different, u guys r okay)
weirdo subtwts (poppytwt, EDtwt, shtwt or wtver)
AI ''artists''